Creamy Cushaw Squash

Creamy Cushaw Squash

Indigenous to Africa, squash is a treat that both my Grandmothers truly enjoyed. Cushaw, a slightly sweet winter version is a winner because it is one of the foods my sensitive stomach never resists. Brimming with Vitamins A,B,C and Carotene you won’t go wrong pairing 

Red Lentil Soup

Red Lentil Soup

My father’s first cousin lived in Ethiopia in the 1980’s where her husband served as an ambassador from Jamaica. She taught me how to make these lentils shine in East African style. The result is very different than French Lentil Soup but no less beguiling. 

Classic Southern Sauteed Cabbage

Classic Southern Sauteed Cabbage

The first recipe I gave you for Sauteed Cabbage was so popular I decided I’d give you another. A good source of quercetin, Vitamin C, and fiber, African-American staple Cabbage and its’ cruciferous cousins such as Collard Greens, are likely the healthiest foods on the 

Six Minute Brussel Sprouts

Six Minute Brussel Sprouts

I can never do anything right enough for my mother. Well into my 30’s, my mother would still call asking what I was going to eat for dinner that evening or what had I eaten. I could have said I prepared a 5-star Michellin meal 

Southern Salad

Southern Salad

Last year I became so ill my primary care physician prescribed antibiotics. 20th century, Western medical practitioners abused their privilege to write antibiotic prescriptions so severely that bacteria has now mutated and become resistant to numerous medications. That’s why if you have a cold, flu